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Investing with social purpose

The JenLi Foundation shapes and funds capital projects and social programs,
to build vibrant communities.

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Three principles underpin the JenLi model:

A. More capital
B. Capital deployed more effectively C. Achieve greater benefit

Many worthy mixed-use developments (with high social value potential) are never undertaken because the enabling infrastructure costs make the schemes impossible without financial support from government. 

Creating social benefit does not need to be cost prohibitive. 

It is possible to deliver substantial social benefit and for projects to be financially viable if a longer term view is taken and the enabled infrastructure is considered a long-term investment. It is possible for JenLi to recoup the original capital investment at commercial exit because JenLi holds rights over the enabled land and buildings until a commercial exit is viable.

1.  JenLi is able to recoup cost over time from increase in value of land, buildings and infrastructure.

2.  JenLi retains rights over ‘enabled assets’ until a commercial exit is viable.

Graph: Cost, Value over Time

28 Bolton Str, London, W1J 8BP, UK | +44 20 3239 4210 | | Awaiting registration as charitable and not-for-profit organisation, Canton of Obwalden, Switzerland.