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Investing with social purpose

The JenLi Foundation shapes and funds capital projects and social programs,
to build vibrant communities.

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Three principles underpin the JenLi model:

A. More capital
B. Capital deployed more effectively
C. Achieve greater benefit
JenLi oversees the process from beginning to end; it is the only way to be certain that everyone remains focused on achieving the anticipated outcomes. JenLi has developed evaluation criteria to rigorously select, and commit to, only those projects which have the potential to achieve social, environmental and economic benefit (the ‘triple bottom line’).  JenLi works with local people to specify and prioritise desired outcomes at the start, and then seeds projects with the social programs required to achieve them. Performance is measured against the desired outcomes, and feedback is used by the team to implement corrective action where and when needed.

Stakeholder alignment


Integrated team

Selection Project Structure Financial Structure Delivery Appraise Outcomes

Rigorous screening


JenLi funding model


Society, economy & environment

28 Bolton Str, London, W1J 8BP, UK | +44 20 3239 4210 | | Awaiting registration as charitable and not-for-profit organisation, Canton of Obwalden, Switzerland.